A girl’s gotta accessorize. Most men may not understand it, but business owners do.
Early next year, women will have 8,000 square feet of accessory shopping on Rock Road when Accessory City opens next to Best Buy. “It’s a neat, fun environment,” says Ken Martin, general manager of D&B Accessories LLC, which owns the store.
Rocking music and lots of plasma TVs with runway footage greet shoppers as they enter. And there’s a special section for husbands and boyfriends to watch football while their gals shop. “So everybody’s happy,” Martin says.
There are Accessory City stores in Tulsa and Little Rock, too. So why Wichita?
“We want to be the big gun in town,” Martin says. In markets about the size of Wichita, he says, that’s possible.
The store offers merchandise 40 percent to 70 percent off of department store prices, Martin says.
He likes that the store will be across from Bradley Fair.
“We hope to do really well there,” Martin says.
With cheap prices and a fun atmosphere, Martin says, “it’s almost, like, therapeutic. You just feel good when you walk out.”
Brad Saville and Brad Iverson of Landmark Commercial Real Estate Inc. brokered the deal.
Carrie Rengers
The Wichita Eagle