Home local-trends King of Freight owner wants to be King of Cryo and introduce Wichita to cryotherapy

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King of Freight owner wants to be King of Cryo and introduce Wichita to cryotherapy

King of Freight owner Mike Ricklefs has been known for his ever-expanding freight business downtown, but now he’s expanding in a new field in a new part of town.

Ricklefs has taken over the former CryoHealth of Kansas space at the Shops at Tallgrass at 21st and Rock Road, where he used to be a customer.

When he received an e-mail notifying him that the business was going to close, Ricklefs says he decided to buy it simply so he could continue using it.

“I was very passionate about it.”

He’s changed the name to King of Cryo, “obviously based off of our brand, King of Freight.”

Now, Ricklefs’ two goals are to make it more affordable and to help educate people on what cryotherapy is.

“We offer a variety of treatments,” he says.

That includes spot treatments that focus on a body part that’s experiencing pain. Ricklefs says freezing an injured area helps reduce inflammation.

“It helps you heal.”

Or, there is a cryo chamber that “freezes your entire body,” he says.

“It gets your blood to start flowing again.”

Ricklefs says it can help with pain, depression, weight loss, migraines and other diseases.

“I’m not really doing it to make money. I’m doing it to be passionate about it.”

He says he’s lowered prices to $30 for spot treatments and $200 a month for unlimited uses.

“I’m basically just trying to introduce the public to cryotherapy.”

Ricklefs says he’d like to open a King of Cryo on the west side, too, and possibly outside the Wichita market one day as well.

“We’re going to start here and see where it goes.”