Home press-release Liberty Tax Service franchisee to open second west-side office

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Liberty Tax Service franchisee to open second west-side office

Liberty Tax Service franchisee to open second west-side office

By Carrie Rengers

Published by The Wichita Eagle

WICHITA — After a decade in business, Liberty Tax Service franchiseeChris Merchant is opening a second location.

The accountant has a private firm as well as the Liberty office at 13th and West streets, which his wife, Deb, runs. Merchant’s daughter, Jamie Hanson, will run his second Liberty office, which will open in January in the same strip center where Domino’s is near 21st and Amidon.

“Mainly we’re doing another location because our first location has been so successful,” Hanson says.

She says Liberty is the fastest-growing tax preparation company in the United States. There are several other Liberty offices around Wichita that other franchisees own.

Hanson says more Liberty sites are possible in the future for her family.

“My goal is to have more than one location,” she says. “We’re going to see how this one goes. We can only do so much at a time.”

Don Piros with Landmark Commercial Real Estate handled the deal.

Hanson says the west side has been a good area for the company.

At the new location, she says, “We’re really going to try to target the Hispanic community.”

Hanson says the company already has one bilingual tax preparer and is training more.

“We’re just branching out.”

Read more here: http://blogs.kansas.com/haveyouheard/2012/11/16/liberty-tax-service-franchisee-to-open-second-west-side-office/#storylink=misearch#storylink=cpy



Read more here:http://blogs.kansas.com/haveyouheard/2012/11/16/liberty-tax-service-franchisee-to-open-second-west-side-office/#storylink=misearch 

Read more here: http://blogs.kansas.com/haveyouheard/2012/11/16/liberty-tax-service-franchisee-to-open-second-west-side-