Home press-release Plexus Inc. opens and leases space near Intrust Bank Arena

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Plexus Inc. opens and leases space near Intrust Bank Arena

Plexus Inc. opens and leases space near Intrust Bank Arena

Published in The Wichita Eagle

By Carrie Rengers

WICHITA — Business partners Shawn Spaeny and Nick Holt have started Plexus Inc. to sell high-definition surveillance cameras.

“High-quality surveillance is what we do,” Spaeny says.

The two have been in the business previously but decided to open their own place in almost 3,000 square feet at 535 S. Emporia.

“Seems prime, doesn’t it?” Spaeny says of being located just south ofIntrust Bank Arena.

Ted Branson of Landmark Commercial Real Estate handled the deal.

In addition to offering new cameras, Spaeny says Plexus will offer service on other surveillance cameras as well.

“We’re ramping up all areas of that operation.

Read more here: http://blogs.kansas.com/haveyouheard/2012/02/15/plexus-inc-opens-and-leases-space-near-intrust-bank-arena/#storylink=cpy



Read more here: http://blogs.kansas.com/haveyouheard/2012/02/15/plexus-inc-opens-and-leases-space-near-intrust-bank-arena/#storylink=cpy